You can reduce the cost of buying a car by purchasing a demo car. If you want to save money on your vehicle purchase, this may appeal to you. You can also select from used cars at a dealer that features a mechanical protection plan.
Test Drives and Commuting
A mechanical protection plan is a type of extended warranty that covers repairs and reduces maintenance costs. A demo car is used for test drives. Demos are also used by managers at a dealership for commuting. Demos are considered new even if they have been driven.
Are You a Savvy Consumer?
A demo car may come from a dealership’s inventory or it may be bought at an auction. Therefore, you can get a good deal on the car, provided that the price is right. If the car has little wear and tear, it can be a good deal for a car buyer who is savvy.
Ask for a History Report before Buying a Demo or Used Car
Whether you are considering buying a demo car or used cars for sale in Canberra, you need to request the history of the car for verification purposes. In addition, you want to check the warranty. If you are interested in a demo, obtain a price quote and make a cost comparison. That way, you can determine if you are actually saving money, given the car’s previous use and shorter warranty.
Take a Closer Look
When checking the condition of a demo car or used vehicle, look for surface scrapes or dings. Ask the salesperson if the car has had any painting or bodywork done recently. By making comparisons and surveying a demo or used car up close, you can better negotiate an equitable deal.
For instance, a Toyota that is already specially priced at $24,000, or about $3,000 off the full retail price, might be sold for $22,000 if it is two to three months old. Therefore, the total savings would be $5,000 off the retail price or $2,000 off the discounted price. When a demo is sold then, you need to make sure that the car’s condition and discounts justify the transaction.
Making a Buying Decision
A number of categories represent a demo car. For example, a loaner car can be considered a demo. This auto is loaned to service customers. A loan period may extend several months if the customer’s current car is being serviced for a long duration.
Demos, as stated, may also be driven by managers or used for test drives. That is why it is essential that you review a car’s history and its odometer reading. If a used car displays twice the kilometres of a demo but appears to show less wear and tear, it may be a better buy.